VaBio News
Call for Abstracts to Present at MHSRS 2021
The call for abstracts to present a poster at this year’s Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) is now open through March 31. They are planning for this year’s conference to be in person. The dates are pending, but usually are in mid- to late-August in Orlando, FL. G2G account managers will reach out separately …
Call for Judges for Science Fair and BioGENEius Challenge
Each year, Virginia Bio recruits volunteer judges from the membership to attend the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair to select the top three winners in the field of biosciences. This year’s fair will be held virtually on April 10, 2021, hosted virtually by the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke’s Berglund Special …
VA Bio will Direct New “Virginia Bio-Connect” Statewide Consortium
Governor Northam and the Virginia Biotechnology Association announced today that GO Virginia has approved a competitive grant request to help fund Virginia Bio-Connect, a $3.2 million Statewide industry cluster scale up initiative. The project, directed by the Virginia Biotechnology Association, is a multi-regional collaboration designed to increase connectivity and awareness of the existing programs, resources, …
Policymakers should support industries fighting against COVID
Over the past few decades, the life sciences industry in Virginia has been able to create thousands of jobs and develop groundbreaking treatments in part due to the commonwealth enacting policies that support innovation and growth. Then when the coronavirus pandemic began, the industry was able to jump into hyperdrive to develop solutions, treatments, and …
New BIO Report Highlights Virginia’s Bioscience Industry Increases Jobs, NIH Awards and More
The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) released new data on the bioscience industry in the United States in their report, The Bioscience Economy: Propelling Life-Saving Treatments, Supporting State & Local Communities. This report outlines the bioscience industry’s economic footprint across the nation and in Virginia, as well as the significant role played by small- and mid-sized …
John Newby column: Biopharmaceutical companies help Virginia reopen and stay safe
With Gov. Ralph Northam managing a measured reopening across Virginia, workers, researchers and businesses at every point of the health care delivery system are continuing to work to contain the spread of COVID-19. Among them are Virginia’s biotechnology companies and organizations that have been helping to ramp up testing, develop treatments and work toward possible …
Falls Church Teen Competes for Virginia
Virginia Bio and the Virginia Bioscience Foundation have named Justice High School’s, Andrew Tran of Falls Church as the winner of the 2020 Virginia BioGENEius Challenge, the premier competition for high school students that recognizes outstanding research and innovation in the biotechnology field. As the Virginia BioGENEius finalist, Andrew will attend the 2020 BIO Digital …
Virginia Bio is hiring!
Virginia Bio, the non-profit trade association of the life science industry in Virginia is seeking a Director of Programs and Communications and a Vice President Membership and Development to join the team. Click here to learn more about the Director of Programs and Communications Click here to learn more about the Vice President Membership and Development
Call for Judges for Science Fair and BioGENEius Challenge
Each year, Virginia Bio recruits volunteer judges from the membership to attend the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair to select the top three winners in the field of biosciences. The time commitment is limited to a pre-event online review of the submissions to select the finalists and then a few hours onsite at the …
Keep Virginia’s Life Sciences Innovation Economy Strong
A letter from John Newby, CEO, Virginia Bio Citizens across Virginia need health solutions and affordable health care to live full, healthy and productive lives. Lawmakers in the General Assembly are examining a broad range of policies in an attempt to relieve the burden of rising health care costs. But some of the proposals under …