Access to Capital
A thriving life science industry requires talent, technology and capital. Helping our members gain access to capital for fund R&D and commercialization is a top priority of Virginia Bio which we pursue in multiple ways, for impact now and for a stronger capital environment in the future.
Helping our members make the most of the JP Morgan HealthCare Conference
“JPMorgan” is the premier deal making event of the year, and scores of member companies, investors and translational research institutions head to San Francisco the second week of January each year to take part. Virginia Bio hosts the Virginia Reception at the elegant Clift Hotel Velvet Room on Sunday evening for members and invited guests and creates an impressive event for members to bring their investors and to meet others, and to start the week right. Virginia Bio also provides to members free of charge access to three private or semi-private professional meeting spaces at the Clift Hotel to reserve for special meetings that week. We offer webinars each Fall to companies new to the JPMorgan experience to help them take maximum advantage.
Facilitating Member access to non-dilutive federal funding Opportunities
Many companies make federal grants an important part of their capitalization strategy. So long as it is on mission, this non-dilutive funding is an excellent way to lengthen the runway, gain external validation and create shareholder value. Virginia Bio has engaged the firm G2G to scan all federal sources of funding for the life sciences – NIH, NSF, NIST, DOD, DARPA, VA and the like, and identify specific current and upcoming opportunities, and know exactly the right person and department for each. Virginia Bio members have access to their Monthly GBG Report listing government bioscience grants. We also work with G2G to create networking events and forums where our members can meet and hear from key personnel at the federal funders.

Providing forums where companies and investors can meet effectively
Virginia Bio supports ADVANSE Life Science Conference, the annual conference which aggregates life science companies in 9 Southeastern states with investors and strategics within and outside the region. We build investor into our statewide conference, and other regional events across the state throughout the year.
Advocating for state policies which provide capital or enhance capital formation
Virginia Bio is the only organization working in the state to promote and protect state policies which fund or support private funding of life science translational R&D and commercialization. We have played an essential role in creating and sustaining the Refundable R&D Tax Credit, the Major R&D Tax Credit, the angel investor tax credit and the Capital Gains Tax exemption for early investors in technology startups, and in supporting the grant and seed capital programs of CIT. We have led the advocacy for the Virginia Bioscience Health Research Corporation (the Catalyst), to sustain and increase its funding and enlarge its mission.

Federal Funding for Virginia Researchers and Companies
Virginia Bio has engaged G2G Consulting to keep our members apprised of current and upcoming opportunities across the federal agencies for support of bioscience R&D and commercialization.
Virginia Bio members have access to a table of opportunities below, by agency and field, with summary and contact information. The list is updated monthly so you’ll always have the most up to date information.
Virginia Bio members also receive special bulletins and updates during the month from G2G. Covered federal agencies include NIH, NSF, NIST, DARPA, DTRA, BRDA, USAMRID, the military and Veteran Health Administration, including SBIR and STTR opportunities.
Virginia Bio, G2G and other experts periodically produce series of webinars on the topic, open free of charge to members and for a per webinar charge to non-members. Please check our events calendar for a list of upcoming events.
Please note you will need to be signed in with your member login to view the reports.